About us
Mocor Veicoli Industriali Srl is a repair service garage for every type of vehicle, operating machine, trailer, bus or other commercial and industrial vehicle.
Founded in 1967 by Mr. Franco Mocor, grown since then as repair service for industrial vehicles in Trieste area, Mocor service is located in a modern, well equipped industrial plant near the city of Trieste.
Mocor Veicoil Industriali Srl has been a MAN Truck & Bus service partner since 1983 and, like every single partner chosen by MAN, Mocor ensures expertise, fast assistance and reliability.
Company data
Mocor Veicoli Industriali Srl
Tax code and VAT number IT01059930329
Business register: IT01059930329 CCIAA Trieste
REA: TS 121501
Capitale Sociale: € 100.000 i.v.